Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Homework 2.2

I think that the Princeton Public Library (http://www.princeton.lib.nj.us/)
has two good blogs on their site. One was their books and reading blog which discusses different books, international as well, and also did a pitch for an adult book club. Additionally, their was a section about librarian news which includec the ALA conference and a couple of exciting things that occurred there. Their technology blog gave information about learning sessions and tours offered by the library as well as a list of great reference sites. I think it would be a great model for other libraries to follow. Their webiste was also interesting as they have so many different offerings for all ages and interests. Very dynamic library.


mary fran said...

I agree that the Princeton Public Library does a lot of cool stuff. And there's a picture of Steve on the Tuesday Technology Talks blog--see http://tuesdaytechtalks.blogspot.com/

slgc said...

Not only does it have a great cyberspace presence, but its new building is truly beautiful. It's worth a visit, if you're ever in the area.

Korrie said...

What I liked best about this site's blogs is that it is easily found from their homepage! I find that a lot of libraries "hide" their blogs under fancy names or have it accessable only through subpages.