Monday, July 16, 2007

Homework #2

Regarding my choice of library blog sites, I like stephens lighthouse ( because steve abrams is a dynamic and down-to-earth presenter/speaker/writer. the topics on his blog tell not only about the cutting-edge technology and how to grab particular library audience's attention (one blog was about k-12 graders) but also about individual hangups like procrastination, which I can totally relate to. Having met Abrams at a library function where he was the guest speaker allowed me to truly appreciate his wit and wisdom-he's got a great sense of humor which could be very helpful in dealing with the public. As far as the Brown article, there were so many points that could be taken several ways, i.e., too much technology, benefits of on-line classes versus benefits of on-campus classes, making higher education available to the masses instead of select groups. additionally, the last article which spoke about having specific resources at particular colleges in order to draw students made me think about my local community college which participates in something called Communiversity. Communiversity allows locals to attend the community college with the credits being applied toward a specific in-state 4 year college or university but without the commute and the additional expense of a 4 year. I think at some point, the student would have to go to the aforementioned college to finish the degree. But it sounds like these colleges are working together to share the wealth, the students while utilizing their specific specialities.
by commando librarian
6:47:00 PM
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